
Working with various clients across our professional history, we have experience in a range of software solutions used within the wealth management industry, many of which are listed here. We are keen to help firms to ensure their project is a success. According to McKinsey & Co, 84% of executives agree innovation is important to growth strategy but only 6% are satisfied with the innovation performance. Although we believe TIARA is the most efficient solution available, there are ways to improve outcomes for all solutions, but it is critical ensure core integration is set up efficiently, and this is where you need the right expertise to support the transformation from project to delivery to BAU. 

Technology Experience

With our clients' projects and across our professional history, we have experience in a range of software solutions known amongst asset servicing, some of which are listed here. We are keen to work with firms to ensure their project is a success. According to McKinsey & Co, 84% of executives agree innovation is important to growth strategy, only 6% are satisfied with the innovation performance. Although TIARA is the most efficient solution available, there are ways to improve outcomes for all solutions, but it is critical ensure core integration is set up efficiently, and this is where you need the right expertise to support the transformation from project to delivery to BAU.
Avaloq, OLYMPIC, G2, T24, Globus, OBS, Pulse Synphony, HiPort
CGiX, TIR, PulseMatching Tool, Avaloq Tax Modules, EasyTax
Saperion, MICA
JIRA, Confluence, Trello, Slack

Avaloq transformation

We worked with Evelyn Partners across a complex transformation project to amalgamate multiple entities. Moving onto a new wealth management platform at this scale is always challenging, but assigning the correct expertise to complex areas like tax can really help ease the burden. We helped remediate data migration concerns, testing the Avaloq tax reporting features, reviewed end-to-end business processes across multiple operational functions to optimise the tax outcomes and helped implement an installation of CGiX in-house to cater for their multi-faceted approach across their client base. With our support during set up and migration, the tax team are now confidently running the tax function. 

Brown Shipley

Tax transformation, from CGiX to CGCalc (TIR) as part of a European-wide streamlining transformation. We identified business requirements, interface mapping, testing requirements and scripts and implemented the migration of tax positions whilst retaining full tax history. 

Multi-entity Merge

When Kleinwort Benson and SG Hambros business entities were merged, we helped to integrate the two tax functions. We migrated one instance of CGiX to another, which on the face of it sounds simple, but both entities had completely different set ups and reporting requirements and used the solution in different ways - there was a need to investigate fully before mapping out the migration. Additionally, moving one instance to another, pre-existing instance required migration directly into a production environment, this took careful planning and precision to deliver. The outcomes were successful and aligned with the wider program timings without issue and full tax history migrated accurately with no interruption to or split tax-year reporting. 

Tax Pack Review

We helped review the historic reporting process for CTV production, providing guidance on classificiations of income, classifications of assets, best practice and risk assessment of potential transactional issues via core processing and data feeds. This guidance was instrumental in their quest to implement a better solution with their existing provider and helped them refine the requirements and testing outcomes confidently.